PBS CoachesPBS Programme for Key Teaching Staff

Two day programme, six group mentoring sessions (level 2)

£2560* for a group of 6 – available online or in person

This two day programme builds on the learning provided in Level 1 PBS for the whole school.

The PBS Programme for Key Teaching Staff provides in-depth information about both school wide PBS & key practices as well as individualised assessments and function based PBS interventions. Six mentoring sessions for the group are provided after the training to support with completing functional behaviour assessment and interventions.

Target Audience 

Teachers and HLTA’s. 

 Programme Contents 

•  School wide PBS: A tiered approach.
•  Assessing the functions of a young person behaviour.
•  Function based interventions for individual young people.
•  Coaching techniques for your team implementing PBS interventions.

PBS Champion software

 Learning Outcomes 

Through completion of the course, delegates will be able:

To apply their knowledge complete a basic functional behaviour assessment

To use and analyse a range of assessment tools and checklists

To describe interventions based on the results of the functional behaviour assessment.

To create a clear action plan for implementing key function based interventions.

To develop and write clear PBS plans based on the functional behaviour assessment

• To be able to evaluate intervention implementation and the effectiveness of interventions

 To find out more about our PBS Programme for Key Teaching Staff and how Redstone can help your team contact us. 

Get in Touch

0161 327 4511

Links to all Courses

For all Organisations:

• PBS Strategy Development Day

Training for Schools and Colleges

• Whole School Introduction to PBS (Level 1)

• PBS Programme for Key Teaching Staff (Level 2

*Travel costs and any overnight stays are in addition to the quoted price for each workshop or course