
Empowering Smaller Care Organisations – Tailored PBS solutions designed to meet the unique challenges of smaller care organisations, helping them deliver ethical, effective support with confidence.


Our PBS Consultancy contracts provide a regular number of hours each month.  They ensure that you and your team have access to a PBS Professional when you need it. The hours can be used for whatever the needs are across your service or organisation.  Our PBS Consultants providing services are members of the UK Society for Behaviour Analysis or are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council.  Both these bodies have clear guidance around professional and ethical practice.

Types of PBS Consultancy Support 

Functional Behaviour Assessments

foundation FBAimage

A functional behaviour assessment is a process which seeks to gain a thorough understanding of the person, the people around them, the context and the behaviours occurring. This assessment is usually completed where behaviours are complex.  We can develop a bespoke fucntion based support plan.

Help with Support Planning 

PBS Plans

Working with the team around the person, their family and the person themselves, where possible, is essential when planning and implementing support strategies. Our PBS consultants work with everyone to agree specific support strategies that are consistent with the persons needs  with the aim of improving quality of life and reducing behaviours of concern.

Organisation – Wide PBS 

PBS Strategy

There are a range of organisation wide initiatives that we can help with. 

  • Establishing policies and procedures consistent with national guidance around PBS. 
  • Embedding PBS Practices across and organisation 
  • Establishing system  wide service audits.
  • Help with using data based decision making which is an essential part of PBS.

How it Works

Contact us to discuss your needs.  We usually suggest that an organisation or school sets a budget for the year.  This is divided up into a number of hours per month.  You decide what you want us to focus on and we keep you updated. 


PBS Amber Sessions

PBS for schools


Functional Behaviour Assessment

PBS Strategy Development

PBS for supported living

Adult Supported Living Services

Useful Links

Behaviour Consultancy Services - Case Stories

We have a number of case stories of the PBS work that we have done with specific people supported, see links below. We also have some great feedback from CQC which illustrates the impact that PBS intiatives had on the evaluations, leading to ‘outstanding’
