Getting Support Right with PBS

Getting support right for vulnerable adults can often be a challenge and when things don’t go well those supported can be at risk of presenting with behaviours  of concern. Getting things right isn’t always easy. Redstone PBS for supported living services can provide consultancy support to help you put PBS in place across your supported living or residential services; ensuring that you are providing high quality support, reducing behaviours of concern and increasing quality of life, both for people supported and your staff teams.

PBS Training

Online, On-Demand Training 

Organisational Strategy Service

Frequent Types of Support to Organisations

Person Specific PBS Support

Development of PBS Plan Format

 Development of PBS Training Matrix

PBS Supervision and Mentoring

PBS Policy and Practice Documents

Case Stories and our Work with Organisations

We have a number of case stories of the PBS work that we have done with specific people supported, see links below. We also have some great feedback from CQC which illustrates the impact that PBS initiatives had on the evaluations, leading to ‘outstanding’.

reducing restrictive practices
PBS case story
Reducing restrictive practices
Outstanding CQC

Active Support

As part of a PBS framework, establishing an Active Support approach in your services is one of the most effective ways to increase quality of life and reduce behaviours that challenge.  Active Support provides a highly effective, experience based approach for training staff so that they are confident and able to maximise participation and engagement when supporting people.

Some of the Organisations We Work With