I have found the course so useful, so many new tools to use for functional behaviour assessment that we haven’t seen before, and which are really helpful for completing assessments and planning interventions.

Caitlin Wallace – PBS Assistant Practitioner Cygnet Health

The training has supported me to take a step back, and clearly identify what we are currently doing well along with areas for improvement.  It has also enabled me to produce an action plan that I will be adding to the services improvement plan and clear toolkits to enable us to coach and mentor our teams and improve our practices as well as reducing incidents

Collete O’Neil – Registered Service Manager Making Space

The training strips your understanding right back to before an incident, it puts you in an individual’s shoes so you can understand and empathise how someone is feeling … Looking at quality of life and the impact poor quality can have on a person. All of our services will benefit from having this training.

Service Manager – Wilfward

The feedback we received from all the ‘Practice Leads’ was how helpful they found it and how much they enjoyed it. As observers of each course, we felt the training was easy to understand, very relatable to everyday practice, whilst addressing some of the challenges staff and services may face along the way. We wouldn’t hesitate in recommending this training to other organisations looking for good quality PBS training.

Alison Carr PBS COP Lead – Humber Transforming Care Partnership

We had our senior leadership meeting this week. I asked for feedback on how the first cohort found the PBS Coaching in Practice programme. It was overwhelmingly positive; with a number agreeing that it was the best training that they have EVER undertaken. Thank you so much!

Rachelle Russell – Operations Director, Bright Futures Care