Your Partner in Progress – Redstone PBS works alongside you to achieve measurable results and elevate the quality of care across your organisation.


At Redstone, we provide PBS consultancy services through our highly experienced behaviour consultants.  We provide specialist assessments and intervention support for both adults and children across the UK. Our PBS consultants work with adult residential services, schools and families supporting people who are at risk of presenting with behaviours of concern.  

Key features of a PBS approach

  • Strong values base where aversive approaches are not used in response to behaviours of concern.
  • Based on our understanding of behavioural science, the overall aim is to look at ways in which we can increase behaviours which replace those that are of concern for the person and those around them.
  • Focus on quality of life improvements for the person and those around them
  • Consultation and co-production is at the heart of the approach, working collaboratively is essential to success.

There are three ways in which we can support you.  Through Organisation Wide PBS, PBS Amber Sessions or a Consultancy Contract

Organisation – Wide PBS 

PBS Strategy

Taking an organisation- wide  means that  your organisation will a clear PBS strategy.  This is essential to consistently embedding PBS practices in your organisation or school.  It can mean the difference between spending a lot of time and resources for no obvious benefit or seeing evidence of positive behaviour support in practice and the results for people supported in your service, or educated in your school or college.

PBS Amber Sessions

PBS Amber Sessions

PBS Amber Sessions are a quick way to get advice and support.  These sessions are online and give you access to a PBS professional who can help you and your organisation to decide how best to support  someone whose behaviour or quality of life you may be concerned about. You can book a one off session or arrange a group of three sessions.

Please note these sessions are not available for behaviours where there is a high risk of harm to the person or others.

PBS Consultancy Contract

PBS Consultancy

A consultancy contract provides a regular number of hours each month.  It ensures that you and your team have access to a PBS Professional when you need it. The hours can be used for whatever the needs are across your service or organisation are.  This may include detailed functional behaviour assessments, team meetings where we discuss solutions and options for intervention support, or wider organisational initiatives. 

Redstone PBS Trusted by …..

Adult Supported Living Services

PBS for supported living


PBS for schools

PBS Strategy Development

Functional Behaviour Assessment

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