Positive Behaviour Management Training (Includes Physical Intervention)
Positive Behaviour Management Pro (PBMpro) has been certified by BILD ACT (Association of Certified Training) and complies with the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) Training Standards. Certified training is now a requirement for NHS commissioned services and Care Quality Commission.
PBMpro provides further information on PBS primary prevention strategies by:
- Delivering important introductory information on what we mean by challenging behaviour and how the behavioural model works within the applied framework of Positive Behavioural Support (PBS)
- Exploring the critical ingredients for reducing the use of restrictive practices in services
- Examining the opportunities for proactive intervention during the course of challenging incidents
- Analysing the key role of communication
- Considering trauma-informed PBS interventions
- Describing how to measure the impact of PBS support plans
PBMpro also majors on providing in-depth training on secondary prevention (looking at different ways to change the course of behavioural episodes by effective early intervention) and reactive strategies (ethical and safe approaches to those behavioural challenges which may not be preventable).
The physical intervention component of PBMpro focuses on the use of personal space and breakaway techniques together with a limited number of restraint procedures (if required), all supported by underpinning knowledge and values stemming from evidence-based practice and empirical research. None of our techniques employ pain to achieve compliance and known high-risk procedures are avoided.
PBMpro is delivered extensively across the UK and is one of the very few UK or international reactive strategy training approaches to have any supporting peer review research into its effectiveness. Published outcomes include:
- Lower rates of restraint use
- Lower rates of emergency medication use
- Reduced injuries to staff
- Reduced injuries to service users
- Increased staff confidence and knowledge
PBMpro training is available across a range of service user groups including persons with intellectual disabilities or autism, acquired brain injury, mental health needs, older people with dementia and children and adolescents.
Care staff training courses are delivered on-site or at a local venue of your choice. The initial course duration is 2.5 or 3 days depending on the number of techniques required. The annual refresher is up to one day. Please contact us if you would like to arrange a course for your organisation.
Large organisations can opt to become an Affiliate Service Provider and to train their own Associate Trainers through our proven trainer programme. Associate Trainers are then authorised to deliver PBMpro specifically within that service.