PBS Training for Services and Providers in the Dorset Area

A collaboration between Dorset BCP, Redstone PBS, Dorset Council and Dorset Health University Trust brings PBS training for all services and providers in Dorset who work with people whose behaviour is of concern.  The aim is to ensure that all parties are clear on what PBS is, how implementation helps to reduce restrictive practices and improve quality of life and that services have PBS skills which are consistent with the PBS Academy Competence framework.

All the courses are described below, dates for the next workshop or programme can be seen in the details of each course and booking links are included at the end of the description.

Awareness (1) PBS Awareness for Unpaid Carers and Family Members

This workshop is four hours. A mixture of online and face to face training is available.

Dates TBC

For parents and informal caregivers to gain peer support and an awareness of the framework of Positive Behavioural Support. To be confident in working with professionals responsible for support planning and recognise how effective plans can improve the quality of life and well-being for the person supported and themselves.

Target Audience

Parents and unpaid carers

Workshop Contents

  • What is PBS?
  • Understanding behaviours of concern
  • The impact of trauma
  • Contributing to assessments and plans
  • Essentials of PBS interventions
  • Values and restrictive practice
  • Well-being and support

 Learning Outcomes

  • To understand that all behaviour is about the interaction between the person and their environment and all the factors that might lead to behaviours of concern occurring
  • To discuss what is and is not Positive Behaviour Support
  • To recognise how adapting the environment and the support can lead to positive change
  • To identify the strategies used at each stage of arousal, reducing the need for restrictive and aversive practice
  • To be able to describe and contribute to the assessment process and behavioural support planning and feel confident with the terminology
  • To collaborate with providers and professionals to create support that continually opens opportunities to increase autonomy
Informed (3) PBS Introduction for Frontline Staff and Practitioners

This is a full day workshop delivered live face to face.

Next workshop dates are  11th September, 22nd October, 5th November, 19th November, 3rd December 2024


This Introduction workshop helps direct care staff and those who are new to PBS to understand the key elements of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). The aim is to ensure that those participating this workshop will understand how behaviour helps people to express themselves, communicate their needs and to cope; as well as understanding the challenges for direct support staff, managers and carers/families.

Target Audience

Direct care staff, personal assistants and practitioners, including Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, and all Professionals within commissioning teams, support, and therapy teams.

Workshop Contents

  • The principles and values that underpin PBS including human rights.
  • The reasons behaviours of concern occur
  • How trauma affects people and the trauma informed PBS approach
  • Understanding needs and how to get support right.
  • Models of support and PBS interventions
  • Quality of life, including the importance of meaningful activity, participation and skills development

 Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the values base underlying PBS and define why it is important
  • Recognise why behaviours of concern occur and identify the functions of behaviour.
  • Describe the ABC/STAR model and demonstrate skills in recording behaviour objectively
  • Analyse and discuss the factors that ensure a good quality of support
  • Illustrate the importance of knowing the person, their abilities and aspirations and specific support needs
  • Describe the assault cycle, proactive and reactive interventions, and PBS plans
Informed (4) PBS Training for Key Staff and Service Leads within Provider Services

This is a four day programme delivered face to face.

Next Programme Dates

                                                Wed 23rd, 24th October and 6th, 7th November

Weds 20th, 21st November and 4th, 5th December

Weds 14th, 15th  28th 29th January



This programme ensures key staff can lead the PBS practices in their support settings. Taking a leadership role by providing an audit for team leaders to assess the capability of their teams and a toolkit to aid implementation of key PBS practices.

Target Audience

Team Leaders, Service Leads and key direct support staff based within support settings.

Workshop Contents

  • Definition and context of PBS
  • Key elements of PBS, Quality of life and ‘Capable Environments’
  • PBS Toolkit: assessments of service capability and needs of people supported
  • Functional behaviour assessment and how to contribute to this process
  • Key PBS interventions: Ways to increase service capability and meet support needs
  • Overview of Active Support as a key intervention
  • Guidance for creating quality PBS plans
  • Practice Leadership: motivating staff and leading team meetings
  • Supporting staff well-being: models of stress and incident debrief
  • Service based project using tools and interventions from the programme

 Learning Outcomes

  • To apply their knowledge of PBS and confidently communicate essential information to those they lead or manage
  • To use and analyse a range of assessment tools and checklists
  • To describe interventions which increase quality of life through the development of capable environments
  • To demonstrate and lead interventions that increase the capability of their service to meet the needs of those people supported
  • To develop and write clear PBS plans for staff teams to follow and evaluate the quality of PBS plans
  • To explain the role of functional behaviour assessment and to ensure that they and their teams can present appropriate information for this assessment
  • To create a clear action plan for developing and embedding PBS in their service
  • To understand the practice leadership role
  • To discuss the impact of stress on staff wellbeing and be able to identify signs of stress and burnout in their teams
Intermediate (6) Introduction to PBS for Organisational Leads in Provider Services

This is 4 hour workshop delivered online

Next workshop 6th September


This is an introduction to PBS for providers who are thinking about providing care and support to people with complex behaviour needs. The aim of the workshop is to ensure that those attending understand what PBS is as well as what needs to be in place within their organisation so they can provide a PBS informed approach to support.

Target Audience

Senior leaders within provider organisations who have a responsibility for service development.

Workshop Contents

  • How a PBS approach makes a difference in support services
  • Understanding the key elements of a PBS approach
  • Understand what staff at different levels need to know and need to do
  • PBS standards for services
  • Developing an organisation wide PBS strategy

 Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the current national guidance around PBS in support settings and why PBS is seen as best practice
  • To be able to discuss the key elements of a PBS approach
  • To be able to discuss the PBS competencies for staff working at different levels on a service.
  • To be aware of the PBS standards for services and what good looks like
  • To understand how to evaluate own services readiness for developing and embedding PBS practice.
  • Understand the essential elements required in developing an organisational strategy for PBS
Leaders (8) Introduction to PBS for Commissioners and Senior Leaders in Community Teams

This a 4 hour workshop delivered online

Next Workshop Weds 6th November 12.30-3.00


This is an introduction to PBS for commissioners who are commissioning service providers to provide services for people whose behaviour may present a challenge.  The aim of the workshop is to ensure that those attending understand what PBS is as well as what needs to be in place within organisations so they can evaluate whether an organisation is providing or able to provide a PBS approach.

Target Audience

Commissioners and care managers who oversee the quality and provision of supported living and residential services for people whose behaviour may present a challenge.

Workshop Contents

  • How a PBS approach makes a difference in support services
  • Understanding the key elements of a PBS approach
  • Understand what staff at different levels need to know and need to do
  • PBS standards for services and what good looks like
  • Key points when evaluating service PBS capability

 Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the current national guidance around PBS in support settings and why PBS is seen as best practice
  • To be able to discuss the key elements of a PBS approach
  • To be able to discuss the PBS competencies for staff working at different levels on a service.
  • To be aware of the PBS standards for services and what good looks like.
  • To understand how to evaluate services in terms of their ability to develop and embed PBS practice.
  • To be able to use knowledge about what good PBS looks like to evaluate a services PBS capability.

Please note not all courses are available to book on currently but dates will be available later this year.  Please contact info@redstonepbs.co.uk to register your interest in any courses not currently bookable.