Positive Behaviour Support training is essential for organisations to develop the right staff support skills, improve quality of life for people supported and reduce behaviours of concern. While PBS training alone will not lead to practices being embedded in services it is an essential first step. Please see our range of positive behaviour support workshops outlined below.

PBS Training Courses and Workshops

Call 0161 864 2160 to discuss your organisations training needs

Level 1 PBS

Introduction to PBS

One day workshop- £825.00 for up to 15 people

This introductory workshop ensures that staff teams understand an individual’s needs must be at the centre of any strategies. PBS interventions are successful when they lead to measurable changes in the person’s quality of life, resulting in reductions in behaviours of concern.

Target Audience
Managers of teams, Team Leaders, Senior Support workers, PBS practitioners and all direct care staff.

Workshop Contents
• The principles and values that underpin PBS including human rights.
• The reasons behaviours of concern occur.
• Understanding needs and how to get support right.
• Models of support and PBS interventions.
• Quality of life, including the importance of meaningful activity, participation and skills development.

Introduction to PBS –  Train the Trainer

One day workshop- £2,220 for a group of 6.

A train the trainer version of the introduction to PBS workshop is offered to organisations whose participants have completed the PBS Coaching in Practice Programme. This cost includes training licence for the materials

Level 2 PBS

PBS Coaching In Practice Programme

Four day Programme followed by six mentoring sessions £5380 for a group of 6

Leadership and coaching are essential when establishing consistent and effective PBS skills within a supported living or residential service. This programme supports those taking a practice leadership role. It provides an audit to assess the capability of a team and a PBS tool kit to support the implementation of key PBS interventions and staff coaching practices. On completion of the programme, six one-hour on-line mentoring session provide further support to delegates.

Target Audience
Service managers of teams, team leaders, senior support workers, PBS practitioners, PBS leads.

Programme Contents
• Definition and context of PBS
• Key elements of PBS, Quality of life & ‘Capable Environments’
• PBS Toolkit: assessments of service capability and needs of people supported
• Functional behaviour assessment and how to contribute to this process
• Key PBS interventions: Ways to increase service capability & meet support needs
• Active Support as a key intervention
• Guidance for creating quality PBS plans
• Practice Leadership: motivating staff and using key coaching techniques
• Supporting staff well-being: models of stress and incident debrief
• Service based project using tools and interventions from the programme

Level 3 PBS

Foundation in Functional Behaviour Assessment

Three day programme with six sessions of group supervised practice – £3150 for a group of  6

This programme provides an introduction to Functional Behaviour Assessment.  Functional Behaviour Assessment is the process by which the reason behind behaviours of concern occur.  This assessment helps practitioners to put into place specific interventions which ensures the person needs are met in relation to the function of the behaviour.

Target Audience
Service managers, PBS practitioners, PBS leads. Delegates must have attended PBS Coaching in Practice Programme or similar level of training.

Programme Contents

  • Understanding function and needs
  • Tools to use for assessment
  • Use of data for baseline and follow-up
  • Using observational skills
  • Synthesising all information into a formulation of contingencies
  • Intervention planning based on function
  • Assessing intervention implementation and troubleshooting

Level 1 Active Support

Introduction to Active Support

Half day Introduction to Active Support – £400.00 for a group of up to 15

Active Support is an approach to supporting people with additional needs to participate fully in their daily lives. This is a primary/proactive intervention within the Positive Behaviour Support framework which aims to improve quality of life. The Active Support approach provides a system where managers and senior staff learn specific skills to coach their teams to maximise engagement, participation and increase independence. This half day training provides the foundation for understanding Active Support

Target Audience
All direct care staff.

Workshop Contents

• Understanding why activity is important to us all
• What engagement and participation looks like
• The active support model
– breaking down a task
– giving the right level of support
– giving positive encouragement
• The coaching process

Level 2 Active Support

Active Support Coaching in Practice Programme

Two and a Half Day Programme – £3450 for a group of 8

Active Support is an approach to supporting people with additional needs to participate fully in their daily lives. This is a primary/proactive intervention within the Positive Behaviour Support framework, the aim is to improve quality of life. This programme is interactive and provides a system for training staff teams to maximise engagement and participation, changing the support approach from ‘doing for’ to supporting greater independence. This is achieved through managers and senior support workers learning specific skills around direct coaching of staff teams.

Target Audience
Managers of teams, Team leaders, senior support workers, PBS practitioners, PBS leads

Workshop Contents
Day 1 –  half day -Introduction to Active Support. We review the theory and practice of Active
Support resources and the material for introducing staff teams to Active Support and the interactive training model
Day 2 – full day of coaching practices. We look at the Interactive training model. Delegates learn and demonstrate specific coaching skills and verbal feedback
Day 3 – full day  of in vivo coaching for four participants. Coaching the coaches’ sessions are planned for participants within the support setting they work. We have found that this element is essential to ensure Active Support is put into practice after training sessions have finished

PBS Development Day

One Day Workshop – £895

Not sure what training to have, not sure what else you need to have in place to make sure PBS practice become established in your organisation? Having a clear PBS strategy can mean the difference between spending a lot of time and resources for no obvious benefit or seeing evidence of positive behaviour support in practice and the results for people supported in your service, or educated in your school or college. Our PBS Development Day can help you make a great start on the strategy for your organisation.

Target Audience
Senior Managers, Team leaders, senior support workers.

Workshop Contents

• Presentation on PBS strategy
• Breakout groups using PBS standards to evaluate current practices
• Feedback and discussion session
• Redstone guidance on key priorities for development


Organisations receive a full report of the assessment, areas for development and key priorities.

Our training is mapped on to the PBS Academy Competence Framework, is CPD certified and trained by experienced PBS practitioners.

Mentoring and Supervision

The professionals providing supervision and support at Redstone PBS are all highly qualified and have a number of years supervised practice themselves. The competences of our professionals map onto the PBS Academy Competence framework at the higher consultant level.

We can provide

• Support around functional assessments, intervention planning and implementation.
• Support for organisational PBS strategy development and implementation.
• Formal supervision for staff who are enrolled on a relevant qualification such as a post graduate diploma in PBS.

Positive outcomes for your organisation

Develop staff practical PBS skills and confidence

Cascade PBS knowledge and skills to wider staff team

Supporting practitioner well-being

Please note that mentoring and supervision are only provided as part of a wider contract of on-going support see our page on organisational strategy services