Why Choose Redstone PBS?

At Redstone PBS we have the highest level skills in Positive Behaviour Support as outlined in the PBS competence Framework (2015) by the PBS Academy and described in Skills for Care “commissioning PBS training”. Our clinical experience means that when you commission positive behaviour support training from us we are able to give your teams real life examples and recognise some of the challenges in working in services and schools.  We have been endorsed by Skills for Care as a training provider and our courses are CPD certified.

Working with our partners, Positive Response Training and Consultancy, we can provide the tools to:

  • help embed a Positive Behavioural Support model within your service
  • train your staff to ethically manage non-preventable incidents of serious challenging behaviour

These are the two recognised cornerstones of providing effective services for our most vulnerable citizens and we can help you make a real difference to the lives of people who challenge services and those who support them.

PBMpro training, provided by Positive Response Training and Consultancy, has been certified by BILD ACT (Association of Certified Training) and complies with the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) Training Standards.  Certified training is now a requirement for NHS commissioned services and Care Quality Commission. Check out our PBMpro page for more information and contact details.

PBS Training

We have a wide range of PBS training workshops and programmes for adults supported living and residential services. These can be delivered live and face to face and live online.  We also have a small range of e-learning videos and short programmes.

PBS Software

Save time and resources with our PBS software – PBS Champion. Our cloud based system records behavioural incidents and restrictive interventions ensuring all members of your team can keep up to date with information, review incidents and analyse information to inform support planning. PBS Champion ensures organisations can demonstrate how they are meeting the RRN standards for restraint reduction across their services.

PBS Development Day

Make sure your PBS strategy is heading in the right direction by booking a development day with one of our experienced team. Redstone has extensive experience of supporting organisations and we can help you get the right practices in place which will deliver high quality PBS across your organisation.

Call us on 0161 327 4511 to discuss how we can help

Positive Behaviour Support

Organisations, schools and colleges we work with

What people say about us..

Redstone have been providing PBS services for individuals and organisations supporting people for a number of years. During this time, through my regular contact with the team, I can say that they have worked with some complex issues and have made significant positive changes for the people and the organisations they have worked with.

Sandy Toogood (BCBA-D) – Behaviour Analyst Behaviour Solutions

“Thank you so much, the PBS strategy review and development plan has been really helpful to us. We have realised how many elements of our support approach are already in line with PBS; it has helped us to identify where any gaps are, so that we can further develop our high quality specialist service.”

Angela Fletcher – Managing Director at Happy Futures

The PBS Coaching in Practice Programme was really well delivered; it was so good to see my team’s enthusiasm and for them to have light bulb moments relating to the things I know that are issues within their teams.  The trainer was really knowledgeable and has lots of real life examples from her experiences which is very powerful.  All of the workshop days were excellent!

Jill Lockett – Operations Manager, Bolton Cares

Measureable Outcomes

Reduce behaviours that challenge through person centered, ethical and evidence based approaches
Improve quality of life as well as functional and academic skills for those supported and educated
Create high quality support and education services through embedding PBS practices

What is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

PBS reduces behaviours that challenge whilst also increasing quality of life. Adopting a new approach to support, providing opportunities and skill development is key to PBS approach. Behaviours that challenge become redundant due to changes in the way in which support and education are provided.


Runner up for Innovation Award at the BILD International PBS Conference 2018

We are very pleased to have won this award jointly with City Care Partnership, at the BILD International PBS conference. This organisation wide PBS development, presented at the conference, is the culmination of a number of years hard work by both the Redstone and City Care teams.

positive behaviour support

Winner of the Inclusive Practice Award 2018!

We are very pleased to have won this award from the Restraint Reduction Network. Won jointly with the team from MacIntyre for PBS interventions implemented over the last 2 years. The person now lives in his own home in the community following discharge from an assessment and treatment unit. Interventions and support have resulted in a massive reduction in behaviours that challenge and psychoactive medication has been discontinued.

positive behaviour support

Redstone PBS in based in Manchester

We provide PBS services and training cross the North-West and UK wide.

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